Heart-Centering: Why It's Important and 3 Easy Ways to Get There
I came across this photo by Julia Syva on Instagram this week. As I looked at it, tension melted from my shoulders and my heart softened....
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It Takes 90 Seconds to Feel an Emotion Fully—Then You Can Choose to Move Beyond It
Do you sometimes get stuck in a negative emotion like fear, shame, despair, or anger? The kind that loops itself like tire treads in your...
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Self-Confidence and the Third Chakra
A common request I receive from my clients is, “I’d like to have more self-confidence. How do I do that?” This question immediately lets...
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The Importance of Earthing or Grounding
In early June, I fractured my left ankle while bushwhacking along the Clackamas River in Oregon. The fracture was a small one, so I...
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The Pandemic's Effects on the Root Chakra
For the first time in over a year, I am alone in my house. Our mackerel tabby cat is fast asleep on our couch. I can look out the window...
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How Energy Healing Can Help You Cope with Pandemic Fatigue
Every Tuesday, I go grocery shopping. On Mondays, the day before, I clean the refrigerator so I can unload those groceries easily. I love...
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Clearing the Energy of Others with the Bubble Technique [Video]
Years ago I had a client (I'll call her Rachel) who came to me often filled with anxiety. She was taking care of her sick mother in...
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Compassion as a Compass
What a year 2020 has been! We have endured trauma, loss, fear, and exhaustion. As 2021 unfolds, I wish for you healing and steadiness as ...
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Frankincense: Energetic Medicine for Balance
As Christmas approaches, I think of the Magi who gave gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh, and gold to baby Jesus. Frankincense is a general...
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What are Energetic Cords and Should I Cut Them?
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels What Is an Energetic Cord? Have you ever felt your energy drained simply by being with another...
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