Centering during Difficult Times
For this month's blog, I offer you words from my June newsletter.
Dear Friends,
Early on in my days as a student of Healing Touch, my teacher Linnie said the work of a healer was to be a lighthouse. She said not to worry about the outcome of the healing, but to be as grounded and clear as you can so the universal energy could flow through your hands. The outcome would be up to the Divine and what the client was ready to receive.
During these tumultuous times, I find myself repeatedly looking for the lighthouse several times a day. I scan the horizon and what is often reflected back is chaos from the collective. Then I say to myself, "Duh, Tuan Anh, you can do this." Then I pull a tool from my energetic toolbox and find relief.
The image of a storm at sea flashes often in my mind. Heavy rain, wind, and waves collide. White buoys once deliberately placed by fishermen are sucked under and indiscriminately pop up again.
Just when we think 2020 could not get worse, we are dealt another blow. The murder of George Floyd brings mass grief and anger as it reveals the systemic racism in our country and around the world. The buoy is sucked under again.
Our work, as conscious beings, becomes first to temper our wide emotional swings. When you can center yourself, you can help harmonize those who surround you. You can be a lighthouse for them and for yourself. From here you can allow the greatest gifts to flow from you.
It is a very destabilizing time, particularly for the first and second chakras. I believe the chaos will be here for a while. It's as if someone hit the gas pedal to accelerate our spiritual growth. We still need time to process the grief and anger, to allow our awareness to gestate before we take action to institute lasting change. If you are an activist, a fiery type who is used to mobilizing people and resources to create change, this ability to center will help tremendously before you leap into the fray.
Note too what's underneath the anger you are experiencing. It could be masking collective grief. Honor that and feel how it unites you with all humans.
Feelings of grief and loss never completely go away. It takes a long time for the heart to develop spaciousness around it and come to acceptance. It will be interesting to watch how we as a nation mourn this collective grief. I await the christening light of the dawn after this storm.
Unhook from social media as often as you need. Set boundaries for your well-being. It's okay to say no to people, places, and things that really throw you off-center. Remember these simple self-care measures.
I made a video that leads you through grounding, and clearing/balancing of the chakras. It's about 26 minutes long. I hope it helps you!
I am still doing online sessions and am starting to see people in person. If you would like an in-person appointment, let me know and we can talk beforehand about precautions and your level of comfort.
Many blessings,
Tuan Anh
P.S. If you would like to order the doTERRA oils mentioned in the video, feel free to contact me or you can use my website: I do receive a commission for your order, and I thank you in advance for your support. Once you become a member, you get access to our private Facebook group, a website with a treasure trove of educational webinars, and me as your guide. The oils are beautiful, hi-vibe, and great allies to healing.